What causes low water pressure in my shower?
Low water pressure usually results when you’ve been forced to turn on two different plumbing fixtures at the same time, whether they are the outside garden hose, the kitchen/bathroom sink, the toilet, or even the shower. Although your water pressure may be sufficient when only one fixture is operational, you’ll definitely notice a drop in water flow when the second fixture comes into use.
In most cases low water pressure affects you in many other areas around the house. If low water pressure is affecting only your shower head, you should check for an obstruction in the shower head or see if your shower head has a water conservation filter installed.
Otherwise when demand for water is high (such as in the morning or early evenings) pressure can be lower than during the rest of the day. There can also be problems during dry spells when people use hosepipes or sprinklers to water their gardens.
Other causes of low pressure can include:
- Inadequate pumping facilities
- Water mains that are too small
- Reduced pressure from the water main as a result of leakage, equipment failures or blocked service pipes

So, how can I improve low water pressure in the shower?
First of all, nothing short of spending thousands of pounds on new pumps, pressure tanks, and ripping all of your old pipes out of the wall and replacing them with all new larger diameter pipes will actually increase ones water pressure, and even then all these measures may not really do that much. There is no such thing as a shower head that will increase your water pressure and anyone who tells you anything differently simply does not know what they are talking about. Certain shower heads CAN increase the velocity {force} of your water, which does in fact give you a better shower. The problem is that most people who suffer from low water pressure have absolutely no clue what shower head to buy. Just going out and buying a shower head and removing the flow restrictor does NOTHING. Removing the flow restrictor only increases the flow rate and not the velocity. The secret to getting a good quality shower if you have low water pressure is this:
‘You have to buy a shower head that is engineered from the drawing board for low water pressure. Don’t fall for a simple sales pitch that says that a shower head will work for low pressure. 99% of the shower heads that claim to give you a better shower with low water pressure do absolutely nothing other than empty your wallet.’
Shower heads for low water pressure
Ecocamel specialise in shower heads specifically designed to handle showers with low water pressure. If you have explored any obvious causes, and still suffer from low water pressure in your property / suffer from a low flow in your shower, Ecocamel can help. Our low flow shower heads are specifically designed to give a more powerful showering experience from a low water pressure / low flow water source. Injecting air into the waterflow, causing turbulence, giving the impression of a much more powerful shower, even when you experience these low water pressure problems.